Sgp Pools is an official member of the World Lottery Association and provides players with a fair-play experience. As such, Sgp pools has to abide by stringent standards and is constantly looking for ways to enhance its services – hence their partnership with Oracle to streamline operations more efficiently. Their new system will monitor, analyze and automate applications for them which should reduce time spent identifying issues before fixing them quickly.
Singapore Pools will use Oracle Cloud Observability and Management Platform to monitor, analyze, and manage multiple applications across one dashboard. It will also provide automated alerts on performance, availability and load analysis – helping the company reduce operational costs while offering customers a safe betting experience.
Oracle represents an essential step in SGP’s ongoing efforts to meet the increasing demand for online gaming in Singapore. Focused on digitalization as a strategy to strengthen competitiveness in global markets and deliver seamless customer experiences, in addition to offering online betting, SGP is developing more user-friendly website features and expanding its digital market presence.
SGP earned nearly S$9bn in lottery and sports betting revenue during its 2019/2020 fiscal year, of which S$6.3bn was returned directly to winners and the remaining 5% distributed through the Tote Board to charities and grants that support arts, community development, education, health and sports initiatives. Furthermore, SGP invested S$3bn into building their National Sports Complex as well as initiating construction on another stadium that will serve as a focal point for national sporting events.
The company will remain committed to fulfilling its mission of enriching Singaporeans’ lives through responsible gambling by encouraging responsible behavior among customers, and informing them about associated risks. Furthermore, it will collaborate closely with both government bodies and partners in creating an environment suitable for responsible gambling.
sgp pools is widely respected for its long history of helping those dealing with gambling issues and is the largest legal gambling operator in Singapore since 1969. SGP Pools offers an assortment of casino and sports gaming, licensed to operate in all major gaming jurisdictions. In addition, SGP pools is an integral component of Singapore’s economy – having contributed more than $1.5 billion since their start up 10 years ago. Revenue at SGP has steadily increased and is anticipated to continue increasing over time. SGP is also an innovator in digital technology; their iGaming business, in particular, has seen phenomenal expansion over time – offering both sports betting and lottery gaming options which are popular with customers and expanding reach to more people as they reach more.