A sidney prize is an excellent way to recognize those who make a positive difference in our world, whether that be scientists, writers, or activists. There are various sidney prizes available and each one varies in terms of its requirements and eligibility criteria – any potential winners should conduct extensive research before applying.
Established in 2000, this award recognizes the legacy of an outstanding Dartmouth alumni who made an indelible mark both on campus and beyond. Commemorating Sidney Iwanter (B.A. ’71, History), its prize celebrates his intellectual curiosity that drove his drive to document past generation’s knowledge – his desire led him to secretly record lectures of Professor of History Harvey Goldberg which were then donated to UW-Madison where they remain available today.
The Sydney Hillman Prize is given out annually to journalists who advance social justice and public policy for the common good, paying tribute to an idealist who believed scientific discoveries should benefit society at large. It serves as an annual reminder for journalists that may otherwise not make it into print but which could have profound impacts on individuals across society.
Winners of the 2023 Clay Sydney Ceramic Prize will receive both a cash prize and inclusion among other shortlisted authors in an anthology collection compiled by the New South Wales Book Council. Judging panels will consider factors including writing quality and ability to captivate their audiences’ imaginations when selecting winners of this prestigious literary award.
Yeena Kirkbright is not only an author but also an accomplished visual artist who has won various literary awards over time. She has published both short stories and novels as well as having her work appear in various international journals; most notably she won the 2016 NSW Premier’s Literary Awards.
This year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry went to two Americans – Sidney Altman and Thomas Cech – for their groundbreaking discovery that RNA, the hereditary component of living cells, can serve as an effective biocatalyst. Their discovery has revolutionized how scientists understand life.
Nazanin Boniadi of Iran was awarded this year with the City of Sydney Peace prize, in recognition of her tireless advocacy work for justice in Iran. She was commended for being able to transform outrage into action and for championing women’s human rights in her nation – two accomplishments for which the City of Sydney is proud to recognize with this prestigious award.